Parental education and birth preparation courses in English
Parental education and birth preparation courses in English

We are happy to announce that we can now offer birth preparation courses in English at BB Stockholm Family!
Welcome to our courses in birth preparation!
The course will be held by midwives and includes:
- How the Health care system works in Sweden and the National guidelines during pregnancy
- The stages during labour and birth
- When is it time to go to the hospital
- Pain relief methods
- The postpartum care - after having given birth
- Open discussion, depending on the what topic the group wants to know more about
The courses will be held at BB Stockholm Family City and Kungsholmen. The cost is 900kr/pregnant woman with partner or other support person.
We also have parental education on film and available here, but only in Swedish so far.
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to talk to your midwife.
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